Math Coach
Please use this page to learn more about what your child is learning in math, some tips and tricks on how to help them, tutorial videos on how to use our mathematical programs, along with some activities that you can do at home. Please check back regularly for updates!
- Math at Home
- Math Program Help
- Kindergarten
- First Grade
- Second Grade
- Third Grade
- Fourth Grade
- Fifth Grade
- Sixth Grade
- Seventh Grade
- Eighth Grade
Math at Home
- Advice for Parents/Guardians (Spanish version available- disponible en español)
- 7 Tips for Helping Your Child with Math at Home (When You Hate Math)
- Talking Math with Kids - More resources to help you talk math to your child
- Math Before Bed - Prompts to help you have math discussions before bed
- Bedtime Math - Gives a little fun fact and then leveled questions to ask your child before bed. Bedtime Math also has an app that you can download and use.
- Khan Academy - Useful videos to help your child (or you) remember how to solve the problems
- Number Rock YouTube Channel - Math songs to help your child learn math
- Developing Number Sense at Home - 5 simple activities to help develop number sense at home
- Building a Strong Math Foundation at Home
- Fact Navigator - Learn your math facts through stories.
Math Program Help
- Savvas (K-8)
- Ixl (K-12)
- Prodigy (1-2)
- Parent Letter
- Parent Video - Will allow you to get a free parent account to keep track of your child’s progress
- Xtra Math (1-2)
- Reflex (3-6)
- Parent Letter
- Tutorial Video - Will allow you to get a free parent account to keep track of your child’s progress
- Frax
Welcome to Kindergarten! Below you will find a parent letter for each topic your child will be learning in school. Please use the letter and any activities to enhance your child’s learning in math.
enVision Parent Letters
- Topic 1: Numbers 0 to 5
- Topic 2: Compare Numbers 0 to 5
- Topic 3: Numbers 6 to 10
- Topic 4: Compare Numbers 0 to 10
- Topic 5: Classify and Count Data
- Topic 6: Understand Addition
- Topic 7: Understand Subtraction
- Topic 8: More Addition and Subtraction
- Topic 9: Count Numbers to 20
- Topic 10: Compose and Decompose Numbers 11 to 19
- Topic 11: Count Numbers to 100
- Topic 12: Identify and Describe Shapes
- Topic 13: Analyze, Compare, and Create Shapes
- Topic 14: Describe and Compare Measurable Attributes
Additional Activities to Help your Child in Math
First Grade
Welcome to First Grade! Below you will find a parent letter for each topic your child will be learning in school. Please use the letter and any activities to enhance your child’s learning in math.
enVision Parent Letters
- Topic 1: Understand Addition and Subtraction
- Topic 2: Fluently Add and Subtract within 100
- Topic 3: Addition Facts to 20: Use Strategies
- Topic 4: Subtraction Facts to 20: Use Strategies
- Topic 5: Work with Addition and Subtraction Equations
- Topic 6: Represent and Interpret Data
- Topic 7: Extend the Counting Sequence
- Topic 8: Understand Place Value
- Topic 9: Compare Two Digit Numbers
- Topic 10: Use Models and Strategies to Add Tens and Ones
- Topic 11: Use Models and Strategies to Subtract Tens
- Topic 12: Measure Lengths
- Topic 13: Time and Money
- Topic 14: Reason with Shapes and Their Attributes
- Topic 15: Equal Shares of Circles and Rectangles
Additional Activities to Help your Child in Math
Second Grade
Welcome to Second Grade! Below you will find a parent letter for each topic your child will be learning in school. Please use the letter and any activities to enhance your child’s learning in math.
enVision Parent Letters
- Topic 1: Fluently Add and Subtract within 20
- Topic 2: Work with Equal Groups
- Topic 3: Add within 100 Using Strategies
- Topic 4: Fluently Add within 100
- Topic 5: Subtract within 100 Using Strategies
- Topic 6: Fluently Subtract within 100
- Topic 7: More Solving Problems Involving Addition and Subtraction
- Topic 8: Work with Time and Money
- Topic 9: Numbers to 1,000
- Topic 10: Add within 1,000 Using Models and Strategies
- Topic 11: Subtract within 1,000 Using Models and Strategies
- Topic 12: Measuring Length
- Topic 13: Shapes and Their Attributes
- Topic 14: More Addition, Subtraction, and Length
- Topic 15: Graphs and Data
Additional Activities to Help your Child in Math
Third Grade
Welcome to Third Grade! Below you will find a parent letter for each topic your child will be learning in school. Please use the letter and any activities to enhance your child’s learning in math.
enVision Parent Letters
- Topic 1: Understand Multiplication and Division of Whole Numbers
- Topic 2: Multiplication Facts: Use Patterns
- Topic 3: Apply Properties Multiplication Facts for 3,4, 6, 7, 8
- Topic 4: Use Multiplication Facts to Divide: Division Facts
- Topic 5: Fluently Multiply and Divide within 100
- Topic 6: Connect Area to Multiplication and Division
- Topic 7: Represent and Interpret Data
- Topic 8: Use Strategies and Properties to Add and Subtract
- Topic 9: Fluently Add and Subtract within 1,000
- Topic 10: Multiply by Multiples of 10
- Topic 11: Use Operations with Whole Numbers to Solve Problems
- Topic 12: Understand Fractions as Numbers
- Topic 13: Fraction Equivalence and Comparison
- Topic 14: Solve Time, Capacity, and Mass Problems
- Topic 15: Attributes of Two Dimensional Shapes
- Topic 16: Solve Perimeter Problems
Additional Activities to Help your Child in Math
Fourth Grade
Welcome to Fourth Grade! Below you will find a parent letter for each topic your child will be learning in school. Please use the letter and any activities to enhance your child’s learning in math.
enVision Parent Letters
- Topic 1: Generalizing Place Value Understanding
- Topic 2: Fluently Add and Subtract Multi-Digit Whole Numbers
- Topic 3: Use Strategies and Properties to Multiply by 1-Digit Numbers
- Topic 4: Use Strategies and Properties to Multiply 2-Digit Numbers
- Topic 5: Use Strategies and Properties to Divide 1-Digit Numbers
- Topic 6: Use Operations with Whole Numbers to Solve Problems
- Topic 7: Factors and Multiples
- Topic 8: Extend Understanding of Fraction Equivalence and Ordering
- Topic 9: Understand Addition and Subtraction of Fractions
- Topic 10: Extend Multiplication Concepts to Fractions
- Topic 11: Represent and Interpret Data on Line Plots
- Topic 12: Understand and Compare Decimals
- Topic 13: Measurement: Find Equivalence in Units of Measure
- Topic 14: Algebra: Generate and Analyze Patterns
- Topic 15: Geometric Measurement: Understand Concepts of Angles and Angle Measurement
- Topic 16: Lines, Angles, and Shapes
Additional Activities to Help your Child in Math
- Multiplicative Thinking
- Multi-Digit Multiplication and Early Division
- Fractions & Decimals
- Addition, Subtraction, and Measurement
- Winter Activities
- Geometry & Measurement
- Multiplication and Division, Data and Fractions
- Extending Fractions, Decimals, and Multi-Digit Multiplication
- Spring Activities
- Summer Activities
Fifth Grade
Welcome to Fifth Grade! Below you will find a parent letter for each topic your child will be learning in school. Please use the letter and any activities to enhance your child’s learning in math.
enVision Parent Letters
- Topic 1: Understand Place Value
- Topic 2: Use Models and Strategies to Add and Subtract Decimals
- Topic 3: Fluently Multiply Multi-Digit Whole Numbers
- Topic 4: Use Models and Strategies to Multiply Decimals
- Topic 5: Use Models and Strategies to Divide Whole Numbers
- Topic 6: Use Models and Strategies to Divide Decimals
- Topic 7: Use Equivalent Fractions to Add and Subtract Fractions
- Topic 8: Apply Understanding of Multiplication to Multiply Fractions
- Topic 9: Apply Understanding of Division to Divide Fractions
- Topic 10: Represent and Interpret Data
- Topic 11: Understand Volume Concepts
- Topic 12: Convert Measurements
- Topic 13: Write and Interpret Numerical Expressions
- Topic 14: Graph Points on the Coordinate Plane
- Topic 15: Algebra: Analyze Patterns and Relationships
- Topic 16: Geometric Measurement: Classify Two-Dimensional Figures
Additional Activities to Help your Child in Math
Sixth Grade
Welcome to Sixth Grade! Below you will find a parent letter for each topic your child will be learning in school. Please use the letter and any activities to enhance your child’s learning in math.
enVision Parent Letters
- Topic 1: Use Positive Rational Numbers
- Topic 2: Integers and Rational Numbers
- Topic 3: Numeric and Algebraic Expressions
- Topic 4: Represent and Solve Equations and Inequalities
- Topic 5: Understand and Use Ratio and Rate
- Topic 6: Understand and Use Percent
- Topic 7: Solve Area, Surface Area, and Volume Problems
- Topic 8: Display, Describe, and Summarize Data
Additional Activities to Help your Child in Math
- Math Activities for Middle School - Real-World Examples
- 50+ Fun and Interesting Middle School Math Games
- Open Middle - 6th Grade Activities
Seventh Grade
Welcome to Seventh Grade! Below you will find a parent letter for the Desmos curriculum that your child will be learning in school. Please use the letter and any activities to enhance your child’s learning in math.
enVision Parent Letters
- Unit 1: Scale Drawings
- Unit 2: Introducing Proportional Relationships
- Unit 3: Measuring Circles
- Unit 4: Proportional Relationships and Percentages
- Unit 5: Operations with Positive and Negative Numbers
- Unit 6: Expressions, Equations, and Inequalities
- Unit 7: Angles, Triangles, and Prisms
- Unit 8: Probability and Sampling
Additional Activities to Help your Child in Math
Eighth Grade
Welcome to Eighth Grade! Below you will find a parent letter for the Desmos curriculum that your child will be learning in school. Please use the letter and any activities to enhance your child’s learning in math.
enVision Parent Letters
- Unit 1: Rigid Transformations and Congruence
- Unit 2: Dilations, Similarity, and Introducing Slope
- Unit 3: Proportional and Linear Relationships
- Unit 4: Linear Equations and Linear Systems
- Unit 5: Functions and Volume
- Unit 6: Associations and Data
- Unit 7: Exponents and Scientific Notation
- Unit 8: The Pythagorean Theorem and Irrational Numbers
Additional Activities to Help your Child in Math
Family Game Night
Below you will find a list of games that you can play with your child/family to help build math/logic skills:
- Hi Ho! Cherry-O - Ages 3+
- Chutes and Ladders - Ages 3+
- Monopoly Jr. - Ages 5+
- Connect 4 - Ages 6+
- Set - Ages 6+
- Mancala - Ages 7+
- Blink - Ages 7+
- Blokus - Ages 7+
- Battleship - Ages 7+
- Yahtzee - Ages 8+
- Rummikub - Ages 8+
- Monopoly - Ages 8+
- Life - Ages 8+
- Payday - Ages 8+
- Clue - Ages 8+
- Puzzles
Summer Math Activities
Below is a list of simple math activities to keep students thinking over the summer and to prevent the "summer slide."
- Weekly estimation jar - Use items around the house and have your child guess how many are in the jar.
- Sidewalk Chalk Jumping Maze Puzzle
- Telling Time Puzzles
- Money Puzzles
- Even and Odd Number Beanbag Toss
- Shapes Scavenger Hunt
- Chalk Number Line Race
- Skip Counting Hopscotch
- Addition and Subtraction with LEGO Bricks
- Math in the Kitchen
- Fact Navigator - Learn your math facts through stories.
- Weekly estimation jar - Use items around the house and have your child guess how many are in the jar.
- Count the Dots - Multiplication card game
- Divide and Conquer - Card game
- LEGO Fraction Game
- Fraction War Card Game
- LEGO Building Challenge: Brain Puzzles - extension: have your child find the perimeter and area of each piece.
- Math in the Kitchen
- 8 Fun Cooking Activities - Uses the metric system, but can be converted to customary units. You can also use the ideas to create your own recipes.
- All About Money
- Summer Multiplication Ideas (including games, art, and color by number activities)
- Kidoku puzzles
- Kidoku puzzles
- Grocery Shopping - Have students “shop” for meals for the week within a given budget. They can use the local grocery store ad to calculate percentages of items on sale, use their knowledge of unit rates to find the best deal, along with add, subtract, multiply and divide to make sure they stay within budget.
- Here are some other ideas on how to use math while grocery shopping
- Baking/Cooking - Ask students to double, triple, or half the recipe. Have them convert some of the measurements. Have them measure all the ingredients.
- Calculate tip - While out at dinner, have your student calculate the tip.
- Shopping - Give your kids a budget and have them look through websites or sale ads to see what they can buy. They can also calculate discounts and factor in tax while shopping.
- Baseball Stats Activity