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Instructional Resources

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  • Parent Notification of Assessments 2024-2025

Instructional Resources

The Office of Curriculum and Instruction continually monitors the resources used by teachers and students to ensure that we are providing the most beneficial learning platforms for learning.


ELA: K-6

ELA: K-3

ELA: 3-7

ELA: K-3

ELA, Social Studies: 7-9

Algebra 1

Math: Geometry, Algebra 2

Math: 7 & 8

Math: K-6

Math: 3-6

ELA: 3-12; Math: K-12

Science: K-6

Science: 6-12

Spanish 1

All Subjects: K-12

All Subjects: 3-6

Math: 7-12

Science/Social Studies: 3-6


Media Center: PreK-2 & 7-12