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The Audubon Public School District is in the Borough of Audubon in Camden County, New Jersey. Students from Audubon Park attend the district’s schools as part of a sending/receiving relationship established in 1979. Mount Ephraim Public Schools students participate in a sending/receiving relationship starting in ninth grade. The Junior-Senior High School offers 105 CHOICE seats for students from outside the district; this infusion of students diversifies and enriches our student population while supporting additional programs and courses for the full student population.

Administrative Assistant - Superintendent's Office

Rachel Coombs
856)547-7695 x4102

As an employee in the District, you will work in one or more of our four comprehensive schools. The Audubon Park Preschool serves four full-day combined three and four-year-old inclusive preschool classes (60 students). The Haviland Avenue Elementary School serves students in kindergarten through second grade (333 students). The Mansion Avenue Elementary School serves students in third through sixth grade (444 students). The Audubon-Junior Senior High School serves students in grades seventh through twelfth grade (777 students). In partnership with our students, families, and communities, the Audubon Public Schools will educate all students by providing motivating and challenging learning experiences embedded in technology that prepare them to achieve the New Jersey Student Learning Standards at all grade levels in a safe setting of mutual respect, in order to develop ethical, productive citizens who will contribute to the local and global community. We appreciate your interest in our District and welcome your application for any of our open positions.


Below you will find the links to current job openings, Board of Education Policies & Regulations, and required employee forms. All application materials are to be mailed to the Audubon Public School District, Attention of the Superintendent, 350 Edgewood Avenue, Audubon, NJ  08106; Fax 856.546.8550; and/or email If you have any questions or are in need of any assistance with your application, please contact the Superintendent’s Office 856.547.7695 X 4102.




Audubon Education Association Salary Guides 2024-2027


Board Policies & Regulations

Employment Opportunities